Thursday, September 13, 2007

Actually...Using...PTO...? Me?

You know what's great? Seeing my managers and co-workers squirm as they find out that I am finally taking my long overdue vacation time.

You see, my General Manager can take a week and a half off every three months and come back and not have missed a beat. Same for either one of her supporting managers. If my Logistics Supervisor or our other Moves Director goes on PTO, I'm there to pick up the slack and carry things along.

But when I'm ready to finally take my PTO, I have my hands in so many areas and run so many parts of the store that it's practically a wrench thrown into the gears. My GM looked at me today and was like..."two...weeks...". There was plans for me that I wasn't even aware of yet, that I'm kind of peeved me in ways. I've always had issues with communication and just throwing tasks at me.

You see, I basically coordinate the moves for 4 of the 6 departments, run the promotions and markdowns process, and take over for the other MC and LS when they can't be there (which is at least every monday since they both have college classes that day, on the BIGGEST shipment day of the week).

My GM was re-working the schedules to accomodate my absence when, after 2 months or so of this setup, she finally realized that all three of us are now absent on that day. I'm like .. yeah, you just now realize your supervisor and other MC are absent on that day.

I love her, but the store relies on me too much. Don't get me wrong, I love the responsibility. It gets me going in the morning. I have a reason to be there and know exactly what needs to get done on my ends. And heck, I don't mind getting the glory for just being me and having a good work ethic.

On the promotions/markdowns end of things I've also been regulated to train others in it. I've trained other managers and have had associates from new stores, such as the store I helped open, so that they would turn out to be another "me" in their store. That's their actual wordage, I'm not making that up. In fact, our outlet in Pigeon Forge is converting to a retail and I'm training two managers from the location tomorrow on our promotions system.

And technically I'm still just a full-time associate.

I'm making people sweat with the thought of my absence and hopefully that will help the powers-at-be help to eliminate that full-timer pay cap I'm currently at. But corporate works in funny ways.

During this much needed time-off I'm going to get started figuring out my game plan for Cosmetology School. Getting the final answer whether I can get financial aid and if not, how I plan to save the money to be able to do so.

Taking the PTO now will also help me accrue more vacation hours, as I've reached that limit. I'm real bad for not using vacation time. I just have a ton of responsibility and I hate putting off my departments to others to take care of in my absence, and then coming back to have to fix things.

That, and the beau and I never have enough extra cash to be able to get out and travel or have an actual vacation. What's the point of taking vacation time if you can't have an actual vacation. I so want to visit the beach or run up to Six Flags or something. *sigh*

Oh well, here's so I'll be able to gain more PTO. *cheers*


Jeremy Ryan said...

Enjoy your time off!

jay said...

Have fun bud!

Ste78 said...

thanks guys! I don't know what to do with myself right now but it's a start ^^