Friday, September 21, 2007

The Day-Trip Cometh!

As tomorrow morning will probably be hectic with some quick packing and then getting on the road, just wanted to drop a post saying we decided to make a weekend trip to Nashville.

We'll be leaving sometime tomorrow morning and should be back sometime Sunday. I've got a few ideas for what we can do and see while we're there but for the most we'll be playing it by ear.

It will definitely be nice to finally get out of the house, away from my roomie's whiny boys, and heck, out of the familiarity of Knoxville.

Everything will be fresh and new and my eyes will be as large as a babe seeing things for the first time.

The only bad part about it is having to leave my puppy behind. The roomie will be taking care of her while we're gone but I'll miss her eyes and the way she sits up on her hind legs to look out the window for us. *Sigh* But this will be fun!

Be back in a few days!

1 comment:

Jeremy Ryan said...

Enjoy your trip! I hope that you have a great time. Getting away is always healthy and you come back refreshed and revived!